Sep 26, 2011

Dream List

I have a notebook I bring along with me all the time, where I write ideas, goals, and the things I really like to do. So I won’t miss a single brilliant idea of mine. The only problem is, the line is getting very loooong and nothing gets done. I am a little frustrated and motivated at the same time to get going. But how?
24 hours isn’t enough for this working mom who wants to be hands on with her baby, who wants to craft, read, travel and wants to learn new things like a new sports, interior design, sewing, cooking and gardening. And who wants to have an advance studies to get another specialization in Dentistry. I’m faced with a long list of the things I want to do, without a single idea on how to do it.
I say, when I have time… Eventually… but when is when?

Surely I have millions of excuses why I haven’t done any of those things.
I am a working mom.
And despite that fact, I want to be “hands on” raising Sophia. That’s one thing I can’t compromise. At least that is clear. 
There is no time. 
I work, go home. Play with my little one. Take care of her and hubby. Do some house chores. Blah blah blah. And I’m tired, off to go to sleep.  In the morning I read my ever loyal green notebook, sigh and feel really bad because there’s just not enough time to do my dream list.
But then again no one in this world is given an extra 5 hour bonus from God. And yet some have managed doing the things they love.
But really in the back of this very logical mind of mine, I don’t buy my excuses. “excuses excuses”
The pessimistic person that I am, I know when I want things so badly, I will find ways.  
The answer to my issue is TIME MANAGEMENT.
And so, I came up with 4 brilliant ideas on how to get starting. I am going to be a JUGGLER. A HAPPY ONE. J
Have a date with my list and reevaluate.
At least find time for this, to clean up your list.  Scratch off things that sounded good at the time you jotted the idea down, but isn’t really inclined to doing it.
Prioritize what I should be doing first.  
The important ones, that really needs to be done, like chores, running a home for my family.
Schedule accordingly.
A schedule that’s realistic enough to follow. And because I procrastinate most of the time, a planner is a very good tool for me. But right now, I am determined to follow it strictly like making an appointment to the dentist.  And I am not going to cancel on me. J
Baby Steps.
So for my baby steps, Sitting down and reevaluating, prioritizing, making schedules and making a journal about this so I can see my progress, is the first one.
I say, if there’s a will. There’s a way J

Tackle It Tuesday Meme


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